Friday, September 10, 2010

Las Meninas in 3D

Prior to reading Las Meninas by Foucault, I had only ever seen the relatively famous picture. I had only "seen" it in the sense that I had passively viewed it as a piece of art, and because nothing appeared too exciting to be going on, had by passed a closer glance. I am so glad I had the opportunity to revisit the piece, if only a reproduction, and really look at it.

As I was browsing the internet, trying to find an interesting reproduction of the the piece, I stumbled upon this YouTube video, which explores the painting in 3 dimensions. And, yes, you get to see the other side of the canvas! The artists depiction of the canvas, as well as the hidden wall of the room is that of another mirror, so that the mirror in the back of the room is an illuminated picture! I thought the interpretation was extremely interesting, and I really enjoyed this take on the piece.

Click below to visit Las Meninas:
Las Meninas in 3D

1 comment:

Michelle said...

Oh wow. That was cool. I was expecting to see the king and queen when the camera did a 360 but yeah interesting indeed. Illuminated picture or mirror? haha